When we use Lama Fera symbols for cleansing, some symptoms take place. It is called a Healing Crisis. Environmental toxins accumulate in tissue throughout the body, especially fat tissue. Additionally, the human body has bacterial colonies. When you cleanse your body, the toxins dislodge and the bacteria die off and release endotoxins. When the toxins and waste are dislodged, the body begins to flush them into the bloodstream to be filtered and eliminated. This sudden circulation of toxins can temporarily impact your well being and symptoms of illness (sweating, fever, discomfort, etc.) may occur.
As the body is cleaned up, previously dormant innate healing mechanisms can be spontaneously reactivated and various types of tissue regeneration can be accomplished. During regeneration, the body destroys defective tissues and cells in order to reconstruct them. This can be experienced as pain or inflammation or even just unusual aches, pains and fever. During healing, the immune system will set to work killing off pathogens like viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. Destroying these can result in the release of by-products released by the pathogenic organisms as they are killed. These must also be flushed out of the body during cleansing. In a severe toxicity-related health picture, long-term toxicity can eventually contribute to serious degenerative illness such as arthritis, cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, viral illness, depression, anxiety, diabetes, etc.
The reaction is an indication that the process of cleansing and detoxification is working and that your body is cleaning itself of impurities, toxins and imbalances. The reactions are temporary and may occur immediately, within several days or even several weeks later.
But, depending on the levels of toxicity, other possible reactions are:.
In any case, the cleansing and purifying process is underway, and stored wastes and toxins are in a free-flowing state. The severity and duration of the healing crisis is an indication of amount of toxins and wastes stored in your body.
There are a wide variety of reactions – ranging from none to severe – that may manifest during a healing crisis including
NOTE: On occasions, a reduction of usage of symbols or temporary cessation may be required until the severity subsides. Symptoms frequently disappear immediately after a good bowel movement. A good massage might be helpful to speed up the healing process and reduce the discomfort. The benefits of a detoxified, pure body far outweigh any inconveniences that you might experience during the process. Many people describe experiencing a feeling of lightness, others are unable to describe what they experience other than to say they can’t remember when they felt better.
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